Dwarf Server Framework 1.3.1

Frequently Asked Questions



1. What are possible arguments to the debug and trace console commands?

These arguments are passed in to the setDebug(String) and setTrace(String) methods of the static Log class. They are used to globally enable or disable log messages with the LOG_DEBUG and LOG_TRACE logging levels, respectivelly.
The following identifiers are used by the core Dwarf classes currently:

identifier product debug trace
service Dwarf general information about the service transition changes n/a
auth Dwarf general information about the authenticated subjects n/a
cache Dwarf summary information about the cache flushing process n/a
tcp Dwarf detailed information about SSL sockets created by the listeners detailed information about each accepted/processed/finished TCP connection
dns Dwarf brief information about the DNS queries/answers detailed information about the DNS queries/answers
udp Dwarf n/a detailed information about each accepted/processed/finished UDP datagram
http Dwarf HTTP Server

general information about:

  • HTTP requests and sessions processed by the server
  • servlets loaded on demand
  • automatically deployed web applications
  • files uploaded to the server

detailed information about:

  • failed HTTP authentications
  • closed client connections
  • request dispatching
  • HTTP requests' URI structure
  • executed CGI commands
http.protocol Dwarf HTTP Server n/a HTTP protocol dump w/o client POST data and server response bodies
webdav.request Dwarf HTTP Server n/a full XML body of WebDAV requests
webdav.response Dwarf HTTP Server n/a full XML body of WebDAV responses
smtp Dwarf Mail Server

general information about:

  • SMTP server configuration
  • severed client connections
  • message accepting, delivering and forwarding

detailed information about:

  • client connections to remote hosts
  • mail queue processing and management
  • mail filtering and processing by mail agents
smtp.protocol Dwarf Mail Server n/a SMTP protocol dump w/o message data
pop Dwarf HTTP Server

general information about:

  • severed client connections
  • POP3 command processing
pop.protocol Dwarf Mail Server n/a POP3 protocol dump w/o message data
imap Dwarf Mail Server

general information about:

  • severed client connections
  • IMAP4 command processings
imap.protocol Dwarf Mail Server n/a IMAP4 protocol dump w/o message data


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