Dwarf Server Framework 1.3.1




Dwarf Server Framework is a Java™ technology-based class library for developing network server applications. It has been designed mainly to support building of TCP/IP-based network servers, like web servers, mail servers, streaming servers, etc. However, we hope that it can be used for building a more general service-based applications, too.

The framework emphasizes on simple design, very concise API, lightweight implementation and a reduced learning curve. It is not an all-purpose universal wheel, but it tries to support the server development in a very clear, simple and effective way.

Main features:

It requires Java™ 2 Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.4 or higher for the basic runtime operation. The Java™ 2 Software Development Kit (JDK) version 1.4 or higher is required for the developing your own applications. No additional extensions are needed for the initial runtime or development setup.

Release Notes

New features in version 1.3.1:

See the Changes page for the complete list of changes.


Please report bugs via the Gnome Ltd's web site. Visit the web site for more information about the Dwarf Server Framework and other products, please.

Distribution Files

Overview of distribution files:

     README-1ST.txt - basic information and the quick start guide
     index.html     - entry point to the product documentation

     run.bat        - executes Dwarf-based application on Windows 2000 systems
     run98.bat      - executes Dwarf-based application on Windows 9x systems
     run.sh         - executes Dwarf-based application on Unix systems

     bin/sh         - shell script for controlling Dwarf processes

     conf/samples/dwarf/jaas.config            - login configuration file
     conf/samples/dwarf/jaas.policy            - subject-based policy file
     conf/samples/dwarf/java.policy            - standard Java policy file
     conf/samples/dwarf/java_restricted.policy - restricted Java policy file
     conf/samples/dwarf/users.properties       - sample user database

     conf/samples/dwarf/xxxx/ - configuration files for the sample applications

     lib/dwarf.jar            - Dwarf class library
     lib/xmlConfiguration.dtd - DTD of the XML-based configuration format
     lib/xmlLogger.dtd        - DTD of the XML-based logging format
     lib/priv/dwarf_priv.jar  - Dwarf class library

     doc/dwarf/     - product documentation
     doc/dwarf/api/ - API documentation

     src/SK/gnome/dwarf/sample/ - sample source files


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