Dwarf HTTP Server
Dwarf HTTP Server is a full-featured web server with servlet and JSP support. It supports
the Java Servlet 2.2 and Java Server Pages 1.1 specification.
Main features:
- multi-threaded server
- dynamically adjusted number of active threads
- Java Servlet API 2.2 implementation
- Java Server Pages 1.1 (by Tomcat/Jasper)
- HTTP/1.1 support
- built-in SSL support
- WebDAV Class 1 support
- CGI/1.1 support
- IP-based and name-based virtual hosts
- customizable authentication and authorization
- standard and custom HTTP log formats
- extensible session management
- basic and form-based HTTP authentication
- automatic deploying of web applications
- runtime configuration
- full documentation with extensive tutorials
- coding examples with source code
See installation instructions
for the system requirements.
Release Notes
New features and changes in version 1.3.3:
This is mainly a maintenance release. It requires Dwarf Server Framework 1.2.x
or higher for the correct installation and operation.
See the Changes page for the complete
list of changes.
Current limitations and issues:
- the persistent HTTP connections may be closed by the server when a JSP page
is requested
- serving content directly from a WAR file works only if the web application
does not use JSP pages and custom classes or JAR libraries
- protection domain of JSP-based code equals to the protection domain of the
containing web application
- only the BASIC and FORM authentication methods are currently supported
- all servlets are initialized on startup in the order they appear in the
deployment descriptor; the load-on-startup tag is silently ignored
- the distributable, resource-ref, env-entry and
ejb-ref tags are silently ignored, too
WebDAV support:
- currently, all resources supported by the WebDAVServlet are Class
1 compliant only
- server tries to auto-detect the encoding used by the client to escape the
URLs. However, this may not work for all the cases.
- WebDAV clients which does not use session tracking will cause the server
to generate a new session object upon each request, which is very inefficient
Please report bugs via the Gnome Ltd. web
site. Visit the web site
for more information about the Dwarf HTTP Server and other products, please.
Distribution Files
Overview of distribution files:
README-1ST.HTTP.txt - basic information and the quick start guide
index_http.html - entry point to the product documentation
conf/samples/http/java.policy - standard Java policy
conf/samples/http/java_restricted.policy - restricted Java policy
conf/samples/http/jaas.policy - subject-based policy
conf/samples/http/charsets.properties - MIME charsets mapping
conf/samples/http/encodings.properties - Java encodings mapping
conf/samples/http/mimetypes.properties - MIME types mapping
conf/samples/http/errcodes.properties - HTTP error phrases mapping
conf/samples/http/xxxxx/ - configuration files for the sample applications
lib/dwarf_http.jar - Dwarf HTTP Server class library
doc/http/ - product documentation
doc/http/api/ - API documentation
www/samples/http/ - web content of the sample applications
Return to the main page.
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation
Copyright (c) 1999-2005, Gnome Ltd. All rights reserved.