Dwarf HTTP Server 1.3.3




Dwarf HTTP Server is a full-featured web server with servlet and JSP support. It supports the Java Servlet 2.2 and Java Server Pages 1.1 specification.

Main features:

See installation instructions for the system requirements.

Release Notes

New features and changes in version 1.3.3:

This is mainly a maintenance release. It requires Dwarf Server Framework 1.2.x or higher for the correct installation and operation.

See the Changes page for the complete list of changes.

Current limitations and issues:

WebDAV support:


Please report bugs via the Gnome Ltd. web site. Visit the web site for more information about the Dwarf HTTP Server and other products, please.

Distribution Files

Overview of distribution files:

     README-1ST.HTTP.txt - basic information and the quick start guide
     index_http.html     - entry point to the product documentation

     conf/samples/http/java.policy            - standard Java policy
     conf/samples/http/java_restricted.policy - restricted Java policy
     conf/samples/http/jaas.policy            - subject-based policy
     conf/samples/http/charsets.properties    - MIME charsets mapping
     conf/samples/http/encodings.properties   - Java encodings mapping
     conf/samples/http/mimetypes.properties   - MIME types mapping
     conf/samples/http/errcodes.properties    - HTTP error phrases mapping

     conf/samples/http/xxxxx/ - configuration files for the sample applications

     lib/dwarf_http.jar - Dwarf HTTP Server class library
     doc/http/      - product documentation
     doc/http/api/  - API documentation

     www/samples/http/ - web content of the sample applications


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This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).
Copyright (c) 1999-2005, Gnome Ltd. All rights reserved.